Ectopic Pregnancy and Rainbow Babies

Amber • step mom to two ♡ little guy 6-5-18

Would you consider your baby to be a rainbow baby after an ectopic pregnancy?

Some insight, in September of 2016 I found out during a regular gynecologist visit that I was pregnant. It wasn't planned but I was excited none the less. After an ultrasound, we discovered that it was not in the uterus but settled in my right tube.

Because it was early, I was given two options. Surgery or injection to stop the pregnancy before it ruptured my tube causing internal bleeding and possiblity of being infertile. I chose the injection because I'm allergic to most infection fighters and didn't want major surgery. My pregnancy, sadly, ended in October 2016 after finally seeing the small shape of it on the ultrasound...

Would it be in bad taste to consider the baby we are planning for a rainbow baby for me? It would be with the same man, whom I am married to now.

I always see the rainbow baby photo shoots and posts, but it focuses mainly on miscarriage and infant loss and didn't know if I could since technically I had to forcibly stop my pregnancy, causing a miscarriage with methotrexate.

I feel like no one talks about ectopic pregnancies very much, but it's just as heartbreaking. If it wasn't for my husband and two step kids, I probably wouldn't be as emotional stable as I am now. It was hard fought battle to become okay with everything.

Would it be wrong to say my next baby is a rainbow baby? Yes or no?