2 chemical pregnancies

Have been doing  <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">Ivf</a> for the past two years. After seven tries have had to chemical pregnancies it's been really tough on me and my husband I ask myself why me when will I be finally pregnant!  I have 4 best  friends that all got married two years after me and have already had babies or are pregnant and I'm the only one out of the group that still doesn't have a little one to call mine. I I know that it's terrible to be jealous of my friends and all I want to do is really be happy for them but it kills me that I've been struggling for the past two years and no one really knows what I've been going through, they know everything about me except how much I'm struggling to have a child every time they ask me I'll answer them with an excuse I'm in school I'm too busy at work but honestly I'm just trying to convince myself so it will be less painful.
I know that it would eventually happen for me and I do have to be patient but some days Are just really hard .
Hope that it will happen soon and will have our miracle baby. I'll just have to keep on praying and keep my head high and stay positive even though it's so so hard .