I'm suppose to be 18 weeks today...

Madeline • Mommy to 👼 angel baby Jackson (06/14/2017) and a rainbow baby 🌈 Alexander (09/29/2020)
I'm suppose to be 18 weeks today. Next Tuesday was suppose to be our anatomy scan. These are suppose to be happy moments and instead I sit here wondering about the life my child was suppose to have. It isn't fair! I still can't help but to ask why me? Why my baby? What did I do that was so wrong in my life that I was deserving of this? I wanted this baby so much. I had so many plans for him. My husband and I had sex yesterday for the first time in 5 weeks. It's been nearly 3 since I miscarried. And I broke down. It's not suppose to be like this. How do you get through it?