10 days late when to call my doctor

Hi all. I am new to this so I'm sure it's been touched on but I kind of need advice. 
I am on day 38 of my cycle.  Normally, I am completely regular, if anything my period comes early. My husband and I are ttc and had sex during the window of ovulation. I have had bloating, hot flashes, cravings and this morning I woke up to extremely sore breasts. I've take. 3 pregnancy tests and they have all been negative. I am not sure if this warrants a call to the doctor or if I should ride it out and wait to see if my period comes. Any advice on when to seek medical advice is very welcome. I'm trying. It to get my hopes up because this is our first month trying
I should mention I had surgery two days after we tried, June 9th to be exact (on my ankle) I haven't had any stress related to the surgery. I'm all fairness being laid up from the surgery has made me much more relaxed since I can't work. 
Any advice is very much appreciated!