positive test 4 weeks after early miscarriage?

I had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago, I was just over 5 weeks at the time. I never did a test to confirm the miscarriage as it felt quite obvious the pregnancy had ended and all symptoms disappeared 3 days after the bleeding started.  
I bleed for 7/8 days then around 10 days after it stopped I had lots of fertile discharge but not the normally ovulation pain on one particular side I usually get. 
Me and my partner where still as active in bed as we would usually be. 
I took a test today, it was the last one I had and felt like I should do it just to see it negative so I could really move on. However it came back positive.. could it still be hormones left over from the miscarriage or could this be a new pregnancy, I feel very confused. 
Also straight after doing the test I had very light pink spotting.. Even more confused! 
I'm sure my body just likes to mess with my mind. Any advice, or to hear of similar experiences/outcomes would be really appreciated, thank you.