IUD wondering if I'm pregnant

SageArishima • Mommy of a toddler, second baby on the way! ❤❤

My son is 12 months old and I've had Mirena since he was 9 weeks old. I've had weird periods. One month I bled lightly for 3 weeks solid, another I bled heavy for a few days, others I haven't had AF at all. But the last few weeks I've had this weird feeling that I'm pregnant and I'm worried. I started feeling sure I was pregnant with my son 4 weeks before I found out I was. I took a test last week and it was negative. Then this morning my hubby woke up saying he had a dream about us having a daughter.

I'm tired all the time, even after 9 hours of sleep.

I pointed out a random dark spot that appeared on my areola last week to my hubby. Didn't think about it much until today.

No period since April. I spotted a bit today though, which is the first time since then.

My left breast is sore on and off since yesterday morning, just out of the blue.

Was nauseous a few days ago, but nothing else much. (Wasn't very morning sick with my first baby though)

I'm wondering how likely it is that in pregnant. Online it says that the likely hood of being pregnant is minimal unless my iud moved. Well when it was first in we had to be careful having sex because the metal strings poked him and it hurt. Lately he doesn't feel them at all anymore.

I don't have insurance because my hours for cut and I no longer qualify and my hubby lost his job a while ago. I plan on taking another test if this spotting doesn't get stronger

Any opinions?