could I be?

I feel silly asking this, but I took a pregnancy test on June 10th because I was going out for the evening and just wanted to double check in case I wanted a drink or two. Well it was negative like I figured it would be and had my period a few days later just like normal. Well I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend several times and am not supposed to start until next week on the 11th. However, I have felt like complete crap the last week or so. And I've stayed hungry! I didn't even know it was possible to be nauseous and hungry at the same time. I want to take a test again, but I'm trying to wait a few more days closer until my next period. I guess my question would be, am I crazy? Or could I very well possibly be pregnant? That seems like such a short time frame to get pregnant. And considering I've never been pregnant I'm not really sure what to look for or even expect...