I need advice..

I've been in a relationship with this guy for about 5 months already... this might be a little long I'm sorry... I met him on facebook, he asked me to go out with him so we could get to know each other we rarely eveb talked online, and so we did, ever since I first saw him I knew i felt in love with him. We talked for about a month and he then asked me out.. but we never put it out there on social media which is good in a way but not in another ? At first he would invite me out and things he was really sweet ,like everything I've ever wanted. He knew I was a virgin ,we would talk about it he would tell me that if by any chance or something i was to loose it to him that he would never leave and all those other things guys promise just to get in your pants. I was faithful I never meant to cheat on him or anything because he told me about how much his babymomma hurt him. So I wasn't about to do the same, but by the third month I found out he was talking to this other girl.. we broke up he blocked me n everything ,but then we saw each other at a party n started talking again.. He told me she was just his friend he would talk to her about me lalala. So that happened we got back together n we went out to a party together and she was there I was coming out from the restroom and I saw them talking, I just walked away and he followed me and the girl followed him asking him why was he with me ,he pushed her and told her to go away ,I didn't tell him anytbung... I'm telling you guys I'm really going thru something because of my feelings for him I'm going stupid.. a month passed and he got a call he told me to not make any sound , at the end of the call he said 'i miss you too ' , when he hanged up he was like that was my cousin she really likes me. I again didn't say anything. Because I was scared of losing him. Guys I'm always there when he needs me he goes out to clubs with his friends and at 3 am he calls me cause he feels 'depressed'or misses me. I rarely even see him because supposly he's busy so whenever he would call I was always there because I felt like if I needed to because my heart needed him,needs him..but I'm already tired and really sad because I haven't gotten anywhere with him , I can't really talk to him because I'm scared of losing him ,maybe I did it all wrong because I gave myself way too fast or gave him everything without him having tobwork for it , he never posts anything about me ,he doesn't invite me out anymore it's not the same now I only see him once a week . I want to leave him but I'm so scared because he's the love of my life and I'm so In love ibdont know what to do