Wish I could just turn off my feelings.

When I was 19 I was in a physically, verbally and sexually abusive relationship and trying desperately to finish college (failed, but tomorrow’s another day, they say.) to get out of the hell I was in. I was basically forced my ‘fiance’ or poor excuse for one at the time to get an IUD placed because I couldn’t bear the thought of ever accidently bearing a child by him especially while trying to get out of it. So I had the skyla from 2013 until 2016.... I had it removed in June of 2016 after feeling “weird” and deciding to take a test and since I had virtually no periods EVER I’m glad I did because I found out the hard way. I had just started dating my now very-soon-to be husband (like 4 or 5 months in I guess) and I was definitely pregnant. By the time I caught it, I misscarried shortly after as a result of the impact of the IUD. I was 9 or 10 weeks estimatedly...well....had that taken out and went to the mini pill because the combo of IUD+ Pregnancy also resulted in hypertensive crisis so....no estrogen for me for a while. Ended up with breakthrough bleeding and got the Nexplannon in my arm....had that for about 8 months and here we are. Jealous of everyone with kids. Got a good job. Hubby has his dream job. Finishing school. Got a place. Got my dress , rings...other wedding crap. I still feel completely empty.....I decided to get my Nexplannon taken out in May due to irregular periods with heavy bleeding and hated it... my doctor wanted me to stay off BC for one cycle to get regular again because I’m now anemic....
No period since the removal. Nausea. Vomiting. PEEING 24/7. So tired. MAH BOOBS HURT SO BADDDD. My achy ass back!!!
“Ha. You ain’t preggo there ain’t no way.”
The stick doesn’t lie. Had two faint positives around 9 or 10 DPO, sex timing was perfect of course. 
And again....I had JUST begun to get exited.... and then the river ran red and Jesus Christ it ran. The flood gates of hell opened up from Satan’s arms himself. No cramps ore anything..figured it was a period! My periods typically last around 8 or 9 days.....I filled up 3 or 4 pads and a few tampons in about 2 or 3 days and now I’m not bleeding anymore. I feel fine, my back still hurts but meh. No bleeding since yesterday but it was clotty and heavy. No pain....and now a flat out negative staring me in the face.
Chemical pregnancies are awesome after everything else on top of that.
I’m ready. Prayers and babydust my way y’all, I’m tired of living in the back row of all my friends and family. I want this for many reasons. We gone have a baby daggummit. This is for the birds!!💪🏻💕👼🏼🌈