Health tips and advice for weight loss after multi-year hiatus?


In recent years. I was diagnosed with a heart condition that really took a toll on me physically. Symptoms started off slowly but I eventually found difficulty in walking, sitting, focusing, let alone working out. The day before New Year's <a href="">Eve</a>, I had a surgery that saved my life from this condition and eliminated almost all my symptoms, except for anxiety. Now, I've been given the okay from my cardiologist to begin working out again, but everything seems so hard now.

For reference, I used to be 120 pounds but now I'm 165. I gained 45 pounds in a matter of two years and I'm extremely dissatisfied with my body as I don't look or feel like myself anymore. I used to be active and healthy. Now, I tire easily, I get sick from pushing myself too hard, and both of those make me not want to work out to begin with each day. Also, even though I was given the okay, I get frightened every time my heart rate goes above 130 bpm and my heart rate goes to around 190-200 bpm while doing simple exercise like elliptical with cardio resistance.

I really need to build up my endurance and get back into it. I have a gym membership already with all equipment and pool. However, I really struggle to make myself go there because I always leave so discouraged and disappointed with my body. Does anyone have any advice for getting back into exercise and sticking to it? Also, I have really poor genes as most of my immediate family is overweight; is it even possible to come back from this if I have bad genes?