Grtting his way


I'm currently pregnant and have 3 kids already. I left my physically and verbally abusive husband last week after he threatened to slit my throat and kill our unborn child. Since then he's hacked my Gmail and Facebook. Hes gotten my new account deleted. Hes telling people I never had a real job and that I've been prostituting for 2 years. That I have a secret account, that the unborn baby isn't his and I ran off with "Lil Tray", then the unborn baby is his. He said I took his car but it's in my name. He hacked my phone and I couldn't use it so I had to pay for a new one. And yet he's trying to get in touch with me saying he loves me and just wants to talk to our oldest (7), which isn't biologically his. But then turns around and talks s**t in Facebook. I'm just so done.

Thankfully he's in a different state but I do believe he could come after me. I've gone through so much in 8 years and so has my oldest. I just want to move on and he won't let me go. I have a PPO and I'm filing for custody asap.

This man has controlled me for so long I cut ties with my family that I'm thankfully getting back, I have bad anxiety now and nightmares. I plan on counseling for me and my oldest and getting a gun and self defense classes.

It's never too late to get out ladies. And NEVER go back.