I'm so lost!!! Af due 7/9..


Af was 6/12. I thought I O'd on cd 14/15 (6/25-6/26) because my cervix started being soft high open wet on those days.. on cd 18 (6/29) I had very lightly tinted pink cm that didn't last long at all and that would be 4-5dpo.. well today cd 25 I have had some pink cm and had a tiny line of pinkish/red... I'm just so confused. I've only ever checked ovulation once and that was in march and I had O'd on cd 19.. so idk I'm just so confused and wondering if I ended up getting my O date wrong! Could the spotting I had 6/29 been from ovulation? If so I'd be around 6-7dpo and maybe be having implantation bleeding today?? Ugh I'm just so confused because I never spot in between periods... 😞😞 i will post pics of the spotting in comments... if anyone can help it's greatly appreciated!! Thank you.