Fluid on baby's brain

Nicole • Lincoln🎀 9/21/17 Henley🎀 7/7/19

Hi there, so I was just curious if anyone has experienced this. I had an ultrasound done yesterday, I'm 30w3d. They said they found some fluid on the baby's brain around her lateral ventricle and that her ventricle is measuring borderline abnormal. (It's measuring 1 or .9 cm, and normal is under 1 cm). They aren't sure what the cause it and blurred out a million things it could be. All her other organs are measuring fine. They redid my genetic blood screening to retest for chromosomal abnormalities. My first test came back negative for everything. I'm waiting to have a follow up appointment scheduled with specialists to do a MRI scan. I'm just freaking out and trying not to google anything, but it's so hard not knowing!

Has anyone had an ultrasound show anything like this?