my story

about 4 years ago, i was dating a guy I thought was amazing and perfect. he was too! for the first month.... after that the next 5 months were a living nightmare I couldn't wake from... I had been in a severely abusive relationship. I was kicked in the ribs, punched in the head, and gotten a fractured spine from being thrown when he got angry. But yet he "loved me so much". I talked to my guy friends when I was with him and anytime he saw a message from one I would be punished... after 6 months of it I gathered all the courage I had and left. my best friend Josh at the time helped me. I went back to my abusers house to get my stuff and Josh went with me to make sure he didn't touch me. while I grabbed my stuff my abuser said we could work it out and that I would be back because I would miss him... after that day I didn't see him or talk to him. until today. I was at the store and i saw him and he saw me... he came up to me and asked me how I've been... I said good and he asked if I ever found anyone better than him. And with perfect timing my boyfriend Josh (who helped me leave my abuser and kept me safe) came around the corner and saw my ex and said she did find someone better. someone who would never hurt her and someone who would never want her to feel even a second of pain. she found me. And she's had me for 3 years now. I looked up at Josh and felt so happy and safe and protected. he took the words right out of my mouth. I looked at my ex and said it took me a long time to trust anyone, you broke me, and hurt me. But I realize now, you were the problem not me. And that was it. all this time I thought I would still be afraid of him but as it turns out I was stronger than I ever thought I could be. if you read all of this i thank you for reading my story. And hope that if any of you are being abused that you leave. True love will never hurt you or tell you, you are not good enough.