

I feel so bad but like its funny at the same time. My husband is 100% color blind. He only sees gray and black and white. I forget all the time. He hasn't always been color blind. When we met 6 years ago, he could see colors very well. He had an accident happen and something exploded super close to him. He was completely blind and living in the dark for a while but then his vision came back, but with no color. Ill ask "please find the green mittens for the baby" or "look how pretty this color is" ECT. And hes just like ?????

My mom even had a color cordinated Easter egg hunt where each person was only allowed to find one color eggs and he was lost because all he sees is gray. I feel terrible but also laugh when I do it. He seems to be fine with it most of the time,but every once in a while he gets upset and annoyed.