You've got to be kidding me

Soooooooo TTC hasn't completely consumed our lives.. mostly because currently work is in the way. Sooo! Finally, and I mean FINALLY we get to have the baby making moment that I've been waiting for because I'm a few days from ovulation but also dying for something and I'm all about extra chances, amiright??


Tell me why, for the first time since we've been dating, engaged, crap, married, he couldn't finish. And lasted literally what felt like fooooorrrreeevver! Now don't get me wrong. I realize I seem totally exaggerated, but no. This man has never had a problem finishing, ever, and the last time he took this long was our first month of dating. I missed that so much considering lately it's been 2-3 mins tops, if I'm lucky, because we never have time ☹️

Ladies of the jury, I am dying and it's such a ridiculous thing but man, right now, every bit counts!!!!