Forced Into C Section??


So I'm 34.4 with boys. One is already head down & has been since 28 weeks I believe & baby B is head up which is fine because he's not the one closes to the exit (baby A).... so my ob has told me that 98% possibility that I'll be having a c-section. Why? Because that's just her preference when dealing with twins. This has me pissed and angry because why do I have a suffer such a birth & surgery "just because".... I've had to vaginal deliveries already & they both went just fine. I DO NOT want a c-section, especially without serious cause or complication. What do I do?? & something tells me that even if I tell her this, she'll makeup some shit while I'm literally in the hospital to give birth just to still end up giving me a c-section, because of how admit she is.... 😣