Career advice?


So my hubby and I came to my hometown in Germany to try and find him a job or school to extend his visa... we haven't had any luck 😭 so we've booked a return flight to America. Plot twist though, My parents are about to be stationed here in my hometown, and I know that is GREAT for ME and my career, as I will have free school, and I know german so I can work anywhere... but my hubby, he can't find a school program that teaches his degree in English here. He wants to do physical therapy. I thought it would be best for us to move back to America and live with HIS parents until he finishes school (only 5 semesters left). But we both want to stay in Europe! It is much cheaper and more peaceful for us. In the worst case, I'm thinking he can take german lessons to extend his visa, but I feel like it will be hard for him... I just wish he could find employment at least on a military base doing SOMETHING part-time. I don't want him to feel like he's living off of me. I know men like to support themselves... I'm just not sure if we should stay in Europe until my parents come here, or if we should finish school in america and then try to move back. ANY suggestions?