Stressing a bit......


I'm 6 weeks now, had two miscarriages since 2014. I have stage 4 endometriosis, I've had it since I was 12. Lost our last one end of tri 1. So I'm stressing any little pain but trying to remain calm and relaxed. I'm a teacher on summer break, I never take time off, but this month I am. I did summer school and wasn't aware I was pregnant. Just thought my endo was acting up. Now I'm just stressing and trying to tell my man about this isn't easy. He worries and when he does it worries me more. I'm suppose to be the glue in our relationship. I'm the strong one when it comes to big stressful things and if I'm stressing he worries more and tries his best to ease that but I know it hurts his heart to see me stressing. So I guess I'm venting on here in hopes to not overwhelm him and let him see me stress, because he gets worried if I mention any pains. He's wanted this for so long and me too. I have four wonderful step children, but this would bridge our family as a whole. We haven't told anyone, so again I guess this is my outlet for now. I've been having all the normal symptoms and doing good. I noticed a little dull back pain, which could mean anything but me I think omg not again. It's not sharp it's just very subtle dull. And it happened after I was sweeping the floor to mop. I didn't make it to moping I automatically went to lay down. Which is what I've been doing for days now. Just resting but I wanted to help out.

Just venting because of my past.