We got rid of the dummy FINALLY (AKA PACIFIER)


My gorgeous girl is 2 1/2 years old and was so dependent on her dummy. She would have one in her pocket and have one in her mouth all the time. My sister is a dental hygienist and advised me to get rid of it soon as her teeth were starting to look "bucked" and she would require braces in future if we didnt get on top of it. So anyway, i did what she advised me to do, bought "stop and grow" that you paint on your nails ..stuff tastes awful... put it on the dummy and told her when youre a big girl the dummy tastes yucky... and seriously she threw all her dummies in the bin! She said they were yuck!

A week later and she hasnt even asked for it! So i took her to the shops and got a huge plush talking minion named Dave 😂😂

Just feeling so proud of my big girl 😀 also wanted to let anyone else know whose child might be super dependent on the dummy to give it a try!