Needing advice


So I'm 16 and have been wanting a relationship lately, the only problem is my mother. Most of the guys I'm interested in can drive and have their licenses, and my mom thinks me driving w people my age would give her a heart attack.

I'm afraid of even trying to get involved w someone (which I know I could) but I don't. I'm just being held back by her rule because I feel no guy is going to want a girlfriend that they can't drive around. It's not realistic for them

My mom doesn't understand this

So I'm really stuck and being prevented from having what I really want

I don't even bother trying w guys bc I know in the end I won't even be allowed to drive w them

And no I don't want to hang out a lot at my house either since boys aren't allowed in my room AND my younger sisters are nosy

I really need a guy even just to make out w at this point, I'm sure you guys know what I mean.

I feel so stuck - and talking to her about it is basically a lost cause. Even if I did she'd want to meet the boy first but if I can't go out w the guy how will I even know if he's worth the awkwardness of introducing yet, not gonna put him through that...