Too Late?

I've been feeling really negative lately. I'm doubting myself, I'm overwhelmed, sleep deprived, most days I forget to eat until dinner is made and even then I don't eat much, I hate my body and can't stand looking in the mirror, the last picture I'm smiling in was a month before giving birth, nothing is fun, I feel exhausted, I get irritated very easily, I lose patience a lot faster than I used to, and the last time I remember being genuinely happy was the middle of my pregnancy, I'm ashamed of myself, I feel like I should be doing better since this is my second child but it seems more like I'm failing both of my kids, I want to go out but I feel trapped at home.. And when I do go out I try to avoid looking at people in fear of them starting a conversation. I just want to go back home. I have no motivation to even get dressed most days. I lied on my post partum check up sheet because I happened to be having a good day so I marked my answers according to that good mood instead of what I felt most of the time. Now my daughter is 2 months old. I have an appointment to have the implant inserted in a couple days and I'm wondering if it's too late to talk to my Dr about post partum depression. I was depressed after my first child but was ashamed to say anything so it was untreated and made the first couple years miserable. I can feel myself spiraling down again.