Birth story


So my due date was 7/3/17. Baby girl hadn't came so finally got scheduled for an induction for 7/10/17. Saturday I woke up and I wasn't feeling to well but still got up and walked and went house hunting. By 4:30 I was in so much I needed to eat and sleep. Grabbed some food went to bed. I wake up at midnight (7/9/17) in so much pain so I thought I just had to pee. Went to the restroom and tried to move but I was leaking water and I couldn't move. Luckily I spent the night with my mom bc my daughter father and I are no longer together. I finally got off the toilet at 12:15 am went to my mom room and I said mama I think my water broke we need to go. She jumps up in a panic which was kind of funny. My mom brother and sister were running around all crazy. 12:33 we're in the car headed to the hospital and arrive at 12:50 bc my brother was speeding. Checked in through the er and yes in fact my water did break. My contractions were every 2 minutes and that back labor was horrible. A little after 1:30 I get my epidural I was only at a 3 at that time. The last thing I remember saying was man these drugs are delicious. So I slept from 1:45 to 6 am and by that time I'm 6 cm then here comes 7 am and I'm a 7 then 8 I'm 8 and you get it by 9 am I'm fully dilated. My birthing center did what's called down laboring where they let my baby do most the work so by 10 i was fully dilated and thinned. Now I feel special bc my doctor was off today and he came in just to deliver my daughter! That alone made me cry. He got there at 10:05 and prepped so by 10:10 I was pushing and she was already crowning. Only 37 mins of pushing and my daughter my world was born into this world on 7/09/17 at 10:37 am. She wanted to come on her own terms and she did. Every second I spend with her is a blessing and I'm so happy. I'm a ftm but also a rainbow mom. I hope the rest of July group have wonderful births and I can't wait to read everyone else's stories.