Birth story

Dominique • Myles John 3/8/16. Micah Robert 6/29/17 baby girl due 10/8/20

Wednesday morning I started having contractions around 10am nothing consistent and not all of them hurt. I had them all day and after dinner some started to get a little painful. Around midnight I woke up with back labor and timed them. I was only 36w4d so I had basically nothing packed. Got up packed some baby stuff and then decided to try and sleep. Woke up around 7am with my son and my

Contractions started again. Called my doctor who told me to time them and if they're were between 3/6 mins to go to the hospital to get checked. My breathing was heavier then usual and my contractions were 3/6mins. So I showered and pack some clothes just in case. My husband went to work and my mil took me to the hospital. The my checked me and I was at a 3/4! I was so surprised I was too early and I never went into labor with my first. I had a scheduled csection the 17th at 39weeks. The monitored me for two hrs and decided I was in labor. They gave me a steroid shot for the Babies lungs and hooked me up to an iv. The nurse came back from calling my doctor and told me I was getting my csection in two hrs!! I panicked and called my husband who was still at work to go home get all our stuff and come. Everything happens so fast, my husband got there 20mins before. Everything during the csection went great. They brought my baby over for one second I barley got to see what he looked like and whisked him away to the nicu. I didn't get to see him till he was 6hrs old. His lungs were premature and needed oxygen. I did not get to hold him till he was 3 days old. He finally came home yesterday after 10days in the nicu! Finally feeling like his mother and getting all the baby snuggles 😻