I need your prayers

Been married for almost a year now and Im 30 years old.. been ttc for 8 months now... im very stressed out about it and at the same time i work with autistic children and sometimes i have to help students by lifting them and changing diapers for them.. my friend told me that i cannot lift anything during the 2ww because its very sensitive... got blood work done and doctors told me nothing prevents pregnancy... i just need prayers very worried my brother and his wife took them 9 years and ended up doing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> and now they have a baby girl whos almos one year... very nervous and scared and by the way i always get pregnancy symptoms after ovulation.. and this month i did not feel ovulation pain at all but normally i do. Af arrived 4 days early and this month suppose to get my period in 3 days.. all i need is prayers.