Pregnant, not pregnant? My body is out of whack!!

I honestly don't know what's going on. My period is late by 11 days, but I have been heavy spotting since Thursday any where from dark brown to pink but not enough to wear a tampon but need a pad for the drips throughout the day. Nothing even close to period bleeding. My son is almost one and I feel exactly the same as when I was pregnant with him. But here's the kicker, all negative tests. I took some when my period was due, when it was a week last and today. Nada. I've read somewhere about not getting a positive until 6 days after implantation so I'm just going with that and hoping Wednesday something will show, if not I seriously have no idea what my body is doing.

I should also add with my son I never got a positive test until my period was a week late, I'm pretty sure I ovulate late and if I'm right I think I conceived on the 24th... What's going on 😫