New realization: ttc is like playing BINGO

Was thinking about this today, probably because I was craving beer and greasy food which goes great with a cheap game of BINGO, but honestly ttc is a lot like BINGO! There is very little strategy, you just get random cards dealt to you, and yes you have a little in your control like checking your numbers, but for the most part its all random. Despite that everyone excitedly and hurriedly folks or their card, and when you don't get it you are filled with intense jealousy for the winner, yet you put on a smile and say to your partner, "aw, look how happy they are, isn't that sweet, it's okay though, I'd rather hold out for the next prize anyway". Any other good metaphors out there for the agony of this ttc process? 1 day out from af, need a distraction and to stay positive as this is month 9 and the disappointments aren't getting any easier. Please only positive or funny responses :)