I Quit, Now I Am Depressed


So I had my baby in April, a beautiful baby boy. I was out for 8 weeks due to return on Monday, June 19th. The Wednesday before, I called the temp filling in for me to get updates on projects, etc.

While updating me, she starts telling me about how my supervisor was rude to her, and made her come to work after returning back to the states from a pre-planned vacation. I explained to her that the supervisor can be rude, and she has made an ugly comment to me in the past regarding me being a single mother and expecting. Specifically the comment was, you should have considered adoption.

Mind you, we work for a foster care agency where our mission is to strengthen families. Once I told the temp about this, she replied, " I am so glad you said that because she said those things about you to me." The supervisor, who has the title of Director behind her name, told the temp that I already have three kids, I should give my son up for adoption because I cannot take care of him, and a few other mean things. Can you imagine how this made me feel?

Needless to say, I quit because I refuse to work for a woman like that!

Although I do not regret leaving, this financial nightmare is depressing me. I am a seasoned professional with impressive work experience, but I haven't even received a callback for an interview. Then last night my laptop died on me.

While I am job searching, my baby is in another state with his dad until I can secure employment. I woke up crying because I miss him sooo much.(He's only been gone since Sunday.)

Please offer some prayers, and words of encouragement. I love my baby... all of my kids, and this hurts.