A bit scared

Jamie • Happily married! 💍4-2-17💍

I had my check up today.

23 weeks and 2 days away from being 24 weeks.

So they took my blood pressure and asked questions. Then they proceed to measure my stomach.

The doctor had an assistant so the assistant measured my stomach. She said is it suppose to be 26 weeks? My doctor said no 23.5 weeks.

So the doctor came over to help measure and I'm between 25-26 weeks.

They seemed a bit concerned but just said they need to keep an eye on the growth of my stomach.

I already feel him move higher up and close to my ribs now. Which I'm not too excited about. He does move a lot though.

This is my second baby. I was 2 weeks early with my last baby. He was 8lbs 2oz and 21 inches long. I had him at 38 weeks.

So I'm really hoping this pregnancy doesn't last 40 weeks because he is already measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule.