Am I ready to become a mother or not?

This may seem a strange or confusing topic but it's something I genuinely struggle with... my husband and I have talked about TTC and really look forward to it and then I have moments where I'm like we are so not ready. I want to be pregnant, I just can't help but think I/we are not ready so I go back and forth. I struggle with depression/anxiety and I see a regular Counselor, we are trying to save some money to buy a house as we live in a one bedroom apt, etc. It would certainly seem that, yeah we're not ready. It could wait. Then I also think well is there always going to be an excuse for why we should wait longer?

I am only putting this out there to the Glow community to see what others have experienced, their mental and emotional struggles about deciding whether or not to try. I hope for understanding and not judgement here as I'm trying to be honest with myself here.

Thank you and bless you all on your own journeys!