Two week notice.. to my in laws. HELP. 😭


I've recently gotten a new job as an assist manager, and it's one step closer to my dream job. For the past 7 months I've been working for my in laws with their local business and tomorrow I have to put my notice in. When they offered me the position i was like "the extra money will be nice." I have been working at a job in my dream field and the job with my in laws was just a second job for some extra money.

I love and adore my in laws and have had a wonderful time working with them this decision was incredibly tough, and it was a career driven decision at that.

I. Am. A. Nervous. Wreck.

Everyone I've talked to about it says that they'll understand and you have to do what's best for yourself.

Does anyone have any tips? Plz help a sister out. 😭😭😭