Mild Preeclampsia

I have been off work since Friday due to protein in my urine and high BP. Spent 6hrs in OB ER sent home and started Sunday my 24hrs urine collection. Went in Monday morning to drop off my urine collection and retake my BP and it had come down some. As of yesterday I am out on complete bed rest!! I am 36wks and 4 days now. I go back to the doctor Friday for another stress test, monitoring my BP, and urine collection. I have to do this twice a week now! It's gonna be hard when I have a 6yr old and Daddy is at work. I was an emotional wreck yesterday worrying about our finances and etc. Luckily I learned that I have accumulated 120hrs in sick leave and 88hrs in vacation time. So I am good for awhile until my AFLAC and short term kicks in! Keep me in your prayers ladies or send good vibes my way!