passing out

I'm 17 weeks + 2 days and yesterday was by far the most scariest day of my life, I was outside talking to my friend when all of sudden I passed out... I don't remember much besides trying to walk away from her car after telling her I didn't feel well...My fiance came outside and carried me to our apartment .. I was sweating uncontrollably but my fiance cooled me down, got me dressed and drove me to the emergency room ( for some reason where I live when you're pregnant the only emergency room you're able to go to is where you plan to deliver) however, we made it to the emergency room I got admitted... my bp had dropped and I was dehydrated so they gave me fluids and checked on baby and he was okay..i was drained and super exhausted yesterday when we made it home and I'm still feeling exhausted with a mild headache....i never want to experience this again...but I hope all of you are staying hydrated & taking care of yourselves 😚