I am the worst mom in the world.

I hadnt been strapping my 2 week old into her carseat until she was actually in the car. The second i touched the straps she would start screaming. & if i waited for the car to be on & got her in first the sound & feel of the car running would keep her calm. I was walking quickly to the car & she flew right out of her seat & onto the hard dirt. She was less than a foot off the ground but i will never forget the look on her face. She screamed in pain & i flew to the hospital. They told me that her skull was fractured & she needed to be mediflighted to the best childrens hospital in the state. The hospital is 2 hours away & after begging to go with her in the helicopter & being told no i began driving down. I made it in an hour & 20 mins. There i was told her brain was fine. That she was just hurting. I spent the night with her in the PICU and was discharged the next morning. This was a complete accident & i feel like a failure of a mom. Im so worried about her now i just want her little head to heal. Has anyone else had something like this happen? I hate myself