Forever In The Friendzone

Hello my dear friend. We've know each other for quite some time now, and things have been great, but I don't think I can continue on with this friendship. I've liked you for the longest time, and when you turned me down I didn't wanna be a baby about it so I pretended like it was all fine. When you fell for my best friend it really hurt. I felt betrayed by both of you even though I had no real reason to. I know this is selfish of me, but I was so happy when you guys broke up. I couldn't stand the thought of the two of you being together. I tried my best to be the kind of girl you like, but nothing has worked. I've tried to convince myself many times before that maybe someday you will like me, but I know it's just not true. When I've tried to end our friendship before you told me you wouldn't be able to handle me not talking to you anymore. When you said that it gave me some hope that maybe we would end up together after all. That was very stupid of me. You recently told me about a new girl you like, that's great, but the thought of you being with another girl who isn't me puts my heart into pieces. As your friend I am very happy for you, I hope someday you'll find the girl of your dreams, a girl that truly loves you for you, will never hurt you, and sees how truly amazing you are. As for our friendship, I don't think I can carry on much longer. Now, I must bring it all to an end. I admit it was fun, and I will miss you, but I've been attached for way too long, and I don't want to be "just friends" any longer. Goodbye my dear friend, I hope you can understand.