Losing a friend

Bri • Just a normal teen trying to get through life (:

Recently lost contact with my closest girl.

Honestly over a stupid fight that could have been avoided.

This girl has known me since elementary, I'm a junior now. And I know I'm still a kid and not everything lasts but it sucks.

Here comes the rant...

My friend, is a single child, and no offense to other single children, but this fact has made her needy and greedy. She suffers from anxiety, she has mother problems, and she was self conscience. And I'm no Santa Maria, but I truly cared for this friend! I walked her through her anxiety attacks on several occasions, helped her come up with exercises to control it, I invited her over to my home and welcomed her into my family so she would know what it was like to have a large family that showed they cared, and I helped her come out of her shell- I taught her different makeup and style techniques that I use (per her request). Overall I treated he like she was my blood.

But... I felt so under-appreciated sometimes. Towards the end of our friendship she changed, instead of being polite in front of my family she began throwing little tantrums for small things, having a bad mood around me. We began getting distant and she met some new friends which I was so happy about! She was shy and to me this was her way of growing, but then I found out that my name came up in their conversations. A lot. Most were not words of praise. There was a new found hostility.

But my breaking point was at out birthday week. We're only a few days apart birth wise so planning is always a slight hassle. But this year a family member of mine passed on my birthday week. I was in no mood to celebrate my life while my family was mourning. But she kept insisting and tried guilting me into still attending her (third) birthday celebration. I didn't want to be a bad friend so I was going to go. She told me of one plan and changed it last minute... without updating me on the details. Purposefully? I don't know high school girls can be mean. But all in all I was hurt not just because of the incident but because she showed no regard to my feelings.

The next time I saw her at school she acted like nothing bad happened.

I'm the type of girl to face things head on if we have a problem, we WILL fix it.

She on the other hand HATES confrontation.

So when I brought it up she disregarded it and changed the subject. By this time I was over it. And we just stopped talking. Started avoiding each other. I started going with another friend during lunch, stopped trying all together.

It's been two months since we've spoken.

And I feel like I'm going through a tough break up 😅. I'm at that stage where I just needed to rant.

I have other friends, and I'm not really worried about that but it just hurts sometimes. Whenever I go out and do something new and all I want to do is call her and talk to her about it. But I can't, and I'm slowly (but surely) accepting that.

Wow... super sorry for the novel