Has anyone had issues with OPK always reading you aren't ovulating?


I'm so frustrated and confused. So my last depo shot was in January, and I've had regular periods since May and I am on a regular 28 day cycle. I bought a pack of Clearblue advanced fertility tests, and I always test around the time Glow tells me I'm fertile, and the test ALWAYS tests negative. :( I'm not sure if I'm really not ovulating still because of the depo, but I feel I must be since I'm getting regular periods again. I don't know if I'm testing on the wrong days, or what. I just gave it up this last ovulation cycle, and then today when I used the bathroom and wiped I saw some very light brownish spotting. And I thought to myself wait a minute, my period not due for 10 days. Could this be implantation bleeding?? Because I still had regular sex with my hubby when the app said I was fertile (I have regular sex regardless but still) I don't want to psych myself out and get happy for nothing, because I'm not even sure if I'm fertile because of the test. Please help and let me know if you have experienced this or have any insight. Thanks!