Never get positive ovulation tests


Hi! I just wrote in this in the new TTC group because I didn't see this one, but I'm so confused about my ovulation. I got my last depo shot in January which was only my second shot (first one was in October) and I am now having regular periods since May like clockwork and I'm on a 28 day cycle. I have regular sex with my hubby on the day Glow tells me I'm fertile, however when I take a OPK I always get a big fat negative 😩 I'm so confused as to why this is. Idk if I'm testing on the wrong day or if I'm not ovulating because of the depo shot still, but that's confusing to me because I have regular periods. This morning when I went to the bathroom I wiped and there was a light amount of brown blood. My period doesn't start for another 10 days so I'm wondering if this is implantation bleeding and maybe I WAS fertile? Idk has anyone experienced anything like this before. Thank you.