hormonal issues


i dont ever really put myself out here like this so please bare with me through this lol im just looking for someone i could maybe relate to and yknow just talk to someone who understands what im dealing with or anything like that. Im 17yrs and i have pcos (polycystic ovarian syndrome) i was diagnosed in February when a bad cyst put me in the hospital, i have had a miscarriage just recently the day before fathers day sadly, alot of hormonal defects run extremely in my family on my moms and dads especially ovarian cancer, cirvical cancer, endometriosis, and obviously pcos and i am already showing many signs for ovarian cancer. I am not doing this for anyone to feel bad or like take pitty on me i would just like to talk to someone who understands how i do if that makes sense, yes i do talk to my mom about it but she doesnt fully understand how i feel because most of her issues didnt start this young. If any of you girls are dealing with the same or need advice or just support im here for you and if anyone could yknow help me in anyway it would be much appreciated in everyway possible💙