Sad and confused 😭


My boyfriend likes to tell me how he thinks other women are attractive. I'm not a jealous person and I'll give a beautiful woman her props when due but he does it a lot. It hurts my feelings soooo bad. I'm just an average looking girl. I don't know how to do my hair or makeup like those beautiful girls. I'm just an average girl. I had his daughter 2 months ago and I found a pic in his phone and asked who it was. I was calm and I never got upset when I questioned him. He said it was his First Sargent. it was a pic of her in a bikini. He said he screenshot it from fb. All I said was ok. She was beautiful...everything I'm not. Nice body just beautiful. I felt so ugly when I saw her pic I wanted to die bc I just want him to look at me like he looked at her pic. We were at dinner when this happened ( I saw the pic) I fought back tears the entire time and acted like it was nothing bc I didnt want to ruin dinner. I later asked about it he said he thought it was ok bc it was just a pic and he's with me. But he says she's an attractive that's the only reason he kept it. When I ask him to take pics with me or with the baby he doesn't want to. I'm so overwhelmed and screaming on the inside.

I want to leave him so bad. I love him but I feel so disrespected.

Am I overreacting? What should I do?