Feeling sad

Em • Momma to a beautiful boy 🌈 baby #2 due December 🤰

So I'm on this group on Facebook that is just for wives of 2016 it's so nice to see what they're doing now and seeing their first anniversary presents to their husbands but there are so so many newborns on there. I'm soooo happy for them all for having such beautiful little miracles but at the same time I'm so envious of them I just wish it was my turn. I had a mc last month and I honestly feel like it's still fresh. I know my time will come eventually and I am a big believer in 'everything happens for a reason' but I just don't know what I did so wrong to warrant me loosing my baby.

Sorry for rambling I feel like this is the only place I can offload properly and have people understand how I feel.