Lost in Future Plan


So I've been in the wrong major for 3 years and there's not much I can do about it except finish it in a year. Through all those hard times, I become lost in my future. I don't really what my passion is anymore and I don't know what I want to do after graduate. Well, in this term I should do intern just like any other senior students and I did apply to some companies because I thought "Ok just apply to any company with any position that seems possible for me to do it and let's see what happens after that". Fyi, my major is very specific and not really a general education that can be fit to some professional companies. I'm in dutch literature (I also have no idea how I came here). So I tried apply for HR, Marketing, but the most of the result is my background education isn't enough for that position eventho I have some experiences for those positions. Then I've been seeing my other major friends who got to intern in a well known company and I became very sad. Most of arts student here didn't do some interns, because they just not into the money but more "arts". I'm so hopeless and lose my hope for my future