I feel like my bf made that my job doesn't matter anymore


Sorry it's so long but I need some advice. I have developed really nice oryginal teaching project and I was really proud of it, because it's been working so well, but now I feel It's changed. It wasn't my first profession. First I was a massage therapist, then after a car accident and a surgery I couln't walk or stand so I spent a few years on a graphic design and websites. There I met my now bf but back then it was just a friend. When I felt my job wasn't helping anybody I wanted to change and I started giving tuitions. It gave me good money but I knew I would never get a lown because I would have to start my own business or get a regular employment. I am officialy employed by someone I give tuitions to, but it's only few hours a week and it's only helpful when I need a health insurance. Running own business is not simple in the country I live (also in a small town), but it never bothered me because I could pay my rent, put some money aside and have a normal decent life. A year after I started tuition I went through a divorce and moved out. I was working a lot so that I would get enough money to pay my way and it worked out- that project started to be really important to me and I put so much time and effort in it. In meanwhile I started a relationship with a man 4 years younger than me, he had his job but he was making less money than me. There was also some time when he was unemployed and I didn't complain, paid all bills and live normal life. He has a good job now and currently makes more money than me.

Now we have been living together for 4 years and he started thinking about getting a mortgage for a house or a flat. He checked and said that banks wouldn't give us a mortgage if I am not officially working full time. While we were discussing the whole thing he said he wouldn't be able to carry all this mortgage by homself so he needed my help and I need to do something about my employment.

Unfortunately now I would either have to stop my project and find a regular employment or perhaps move to a bigger city and start my business, or just change my profession again, but the most important is that it would have to be better paid, which is not simple here. Now I really enjoy volunteering for shelter animals and I take pictures for the website and their fb but it doesn't give money as it is volunteering. I still do the lessons but it's summer time and a lot of my clients have their holiday so I don't make as much money as from October till May

I feel like I don't really know what I should do. He was on a job interview in a different city last week and it turns out that everybody wants to give him nice employment with bigger salary. So now the idea of moving came up and I don't know where I see myself in a few years.

I mean I want to have a house and be with him but since that idea came up I feel upset, like it didn't matter anymore.

When we started being together I was paying for most of things as I was making more money. Now the tables turned an I have an impression I don't do a significant thing anymore. What would you do if you were me?