Anyone use letrozole and an ovidrel shot and have success??

We've been ttc for 16 months. I just started seeing a specialist a month ago and found out I am not ovulating at all. She did say that I have a ton of eggs which is good. and she said I probably never have ovulated before which is why I haven't gotten pregnant yet because I haven't actually gotten a chance to have sex and get pregnant since I've never ovulated. This is my first round of treatment and Today is CD 5 and day two of taking Letrozole. Next Monday I have an appointment to get an hsg and ultrasound to look at my follicles and then they'll let me know when to do my ovidrel shot. I really hope everything works 🤞🏼 it would be amazing if it worked on this first round but I bet it won't /: does anyone have any success Stories with using Letrozole/ Femara and a ovidrel shot?