Idk ....

So my boyfriend used to go out to the bar every weekend, he's the type everybody knows, never gets ID'd he's just someone who can't go anywhere without stopping to talk to everyone, very well known. We've been together 2 years. Hasn't went to the bar once in that time, he'd rather be with me at home. So last night was the fireworks and the festive at my home town and he wanted to go to the bar and I said I didn't mind if he wanted to go get a drink or something because idk I just did but then when we got in there I felt really really uncomfortable, because for one all three of his exes are there, along side with the town slut who's been trying to get with him for years, and other girls I don't get along with, and then a bunch of strangers who I felt like were standing around judging me. I'm 6 months pregnant, standing in a bar just trying to be nice and let my boyfriend have a good time ( not drinking obviously ) but still I already struggle with anxiety I didn't want to be an ass to my boyfriend but I'm getting started at like a idiot, pushed and shoved all around, it was the most uncomfortable thing of my entire life. He didn't understand why I was upset. Should I even be? Idk 😐