MIL Issues and baby shower


I have had a rough time connecting with my MIL. Prior to my husband and I being married in April, they had a rough relationship because she mistreated him. I honestly didn't know if he perceived it that way or it was factual until we were together longer and everyone in the family confirmed horrible things she had done (refusing to buy him Christmas gifts as a child only buying her daughter from another relationship and her son with my husband's father, kicking him out numerous times prior to age 14 where he had to live with relative etc). No one confronts her about things it's just kind what is. Prior to getting married we found out we were pregnant 3 months before and she made a nasty phone call to me ranting about who I should and shouldn't tell, how I should be a submissive wife, how I need to learn how to operate like her, and threatening that she would somehow convince my fiancé to leave me and move away. Needless to say I was super upset and he confronted her and she then proceeded to call the baby a bastard. Fast forward three months to our wedding and she referred to our baby as a bastard to my mom and sister and refused to acknowledge she was wrong in speaking to me the way she had and that if I couldn't take what she had to say oh well. Add that to the fact that we completely paid for the wedding ourselves and although she mad e a stink of how t would look that they didn't throw a shower for us she never planned anything although we were engaged for almost 2 years. I haven't invited her to my shower and don't plan to but I know I will get some slack from his family in regards to just inviting her and "keeping the peace" but I don't want her anywhere near me at this point. Add the fact that over the last month my pregnancy has gone from routine to high risk. What do you guys think is the right thing to do?