Big Brother Blackface


So recently there has been a lot of backlash on a Big Brother contestant for using blackface and he's being accused of racism.

For those of you who don't watch or know about the show, it's basically a group of contestants locked in a house and no contact with the outside world competing for money. They're being taped 24/7 and viewers can watch them online on the live feeds.

A white contestant named Paul Abrahamian and a black contestant named Dominique Cooper have had a feud going on. They both have referred to eachother as snakes multiple times.

Now, Paul was recently heard telling a group about his plan to dress up in her clothes and paint his face black to pretend to be a snake. Obviously, since Dominique is black this did not sit well with a lot of people. He even mentioned the term blackface. People are very upset on the internet trying to get him kicked off the show. While others are defending him and saying it wasn't his intention to be racist and that it was taken out of proportion.

So, I just wanted other people's opinion on this. Whether you watch the show or not, blackface is a big controversial topic.