My birth story ❤❤

I was scheduled to be induced on 07/17/2017 at 1 am i got to the hospital and they checked me in & got me started on the plotocin drip at 2:34 nurse told me every 30 mins they will up my dose by two I started at two. By 5:30 They had me at 12 They bumped it up to 14 but my contractions were starting to be too close together they turned it back down to 12. The nurse told me i was doing awesome cause most moms were begging for an epidural at that point & I planned on getting an epidural like I did with my first so at 6 the contractions were pretty bad so they put my order in for it and gave me something to knock off the edge (best drug ever lol) and something to help me dialate a little more by 6:30 I was crying and banging my head against the bed rail and swore I had to have a bowl movement so my fiancee helped me to the bathroom and I had an urge to push told the nurse that and that I think she needs to check me by this point its 7am (checked me at 6 and I was only at 4cm) she checked me and told me that I wasn't getting an epidural I was ready to push and you talk about freaking out lol I was so scared to go natural cause I didn't think I could do it but I had no choice at this point the next 10 mins were crazy nurses were flying in they were trying to find a doctor and I was screaming in pain and I told them that I couldn't wait I needed to push they told me to go ahead I did two pushes then my water broke three good hard pushes and she was out and instantly all the pain I was feeling was gone and I was on cloud nine i kept saying I can't believe I just did that and i was nonstop apologizing for screaming so loud lol but I was in such amazement at what just happened and how fast it happened lol the nurses were shocked that it went that fast they said it was the fastest delivery they have seen in a while (mind you this is my second baby I was in labor with her for 12 hours) total time with this one was 5 hours 10 minutes of pushing 😊😊 she nursed for 3 hours straight this morning with a good latch!!