He broke our family 😥


My husband was going on 3 years sober. We have a 3 month old baby girl and I have an 8 year old girl. Recently he started acting really strange. It started at my friends wedding, he was slurring his words, couldn't walk straight, had that look on his face. We left and I asked him if he had a drink. He kept telling me no. Well it happened again at fireworks for the 4th, and again at a music festival we took my 8 year old to, then 3 other times at family outings. He was there and then he just wasn't. I couldn't figure it out. After the concert he had to pick up his car where we met up after work and he had to blow so I knew he wasn't drunk but he drove off the road 5 times. I kept telling his parents he was on something. There was something wrong. Then I caught him drinking at his parents house. Long story short yesterday I found xanax hidden in his things. He had been stealing them from his parents who had a prescription for their dog. He was taking several at a time to get high and dog pills are 2 times stronger than human pills. Then it got to the point where he was drinking alcohol with it. I am so broken. He put our children in danger so many times. He drove while high, almost killed himself driving down the highway in front of my daughter and I, he was caring for our infant, passing out while feeding her. I don't know where to go from here. He is starting from day 1 again, plans to go to meetings daily and talk with his sponsor daily. I plan to go to alanon meetings for my own support but I just don't know. I hate him, I hate what he's done to our family. He didn't do it because he was stressed or anxious, he did it to get high. He made that choice. I know he's an addict but I just can't wrap my head around how someone who had everything would just throw away everything they had worked so hard for for 3 years. How could you look at your baby and make that decision?