I have to wake my daughter to eat (need advance) *Update*

Sonya • 🤍💜 Mom of 4 girls 🤍💜

I'm not sure where to post this but my question is I have to wake my daughter to feed her (she was born at 36+2 she's 5 days old l) she'll will sleep all day if I let her through feedings and all is this normal? just looking for some advice has anyone gone through this?

Thank you all for you advice we got to see her Dr today (2oz away from being back to birth weight) and she said to wake her every 3 hours to feed even if she's "sleep eating" and yes she is vary hard to wake fully so any tips on that would be welcomed ty all again

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you could ask her dr about jaundice. my daughter was right on the border so she was admitted back to the hospital the day after we were released. I look back at her pictures and wonder how I couldn't see she was SO yellow. with weighed feedings in the hospital I found out she wasn't able to get enough milk from breastfeeding and I didn't feel like I had much support so we switched to exclusively pumping. I actually liked it bc I knew exactly how much she was getting. she was born at 37 weeks and I had to wake her around the clock, not just at night. and that lasted about 2-2.5 months. then at her 4 month well check her weight had plateaued and the dr was concerned so we had to start waking up at night again. she was sleeping through the night starting the night she turned 3 months. after her 5 month weight check we got the okay to sleep through again but she had gotten used to the night feeding and would wake up on her own until just a few days ago she started sleeping 11-6am. she will be 6 months in 5 days. long story short, check for jaundice and don't worry, she will be able to regulate herself in just a few months. if you need tips on how to wake a stubborn sleeper let me know, my daughter was so difficult to wake sometimes and it was very hard on me. stay strong, you can do this! And personally I wouldn't listen to anyone telling me to let her sleep. it's common for newborns to sleep through feeding times but that doesn't make it a healthy choice.


Sonya • Jul 21, 2017
these are great ty


Aly • Jul 19, 2017
I remembered something else when I was replying to someone else going through something similar. I actually had to feed my daughter by holding her by the back of her neck and not cradling her in my arms (💔) and that helped keep her from immediately passing out


Aly • Jul 18, 2017
stick with it and stay strong. get help if you need it. idk about your state but in mine they offer home visits and tgat might be incredibly helpful for you to just have another person in the house to give some perspective. my husband wasn't particularly helpful so get someone, anyone, to take over for you if you need a full night's sleep. it was really rough times on me not sleeping for more than 3 hours at a time but just remember it will pass! 💕


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I had to wake my baby when we were in the hospital, he didn't care about eating at all. My mom told me to strip his swaddle and clothes off and that'll help wake them enough to eat.


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If baby can sleep all day (I know you wake her but it's still concerning), you may want to take baby to the doctor. Like the other person said, jaundice makes baby super sleepy. It can show up a little later in some babies (after leaving the hospital) like it did with us. My daughter had jaundice and they told me if she was that sleepy, to bring her in right away. Even the lactation consultant told me my daughter was the sleepiest baby she'd ever worked with😩At least give your doctors office a call and see what they say 🙂


👩‍ • Jul 18, 2017
Because she passed her birth weight and was gaining weight appropriately


👩‍ • Jul 18, 2017
We were instructed to keep feeding her every 2-3 hours (wake her if needed) until she passed her birth weight and continued to gain weight (and after her jaundice was cleared). We got cleared at her two week appointment to let her go 4-5 hour stretches at night if she was sleeping.


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I did wake up my son who was born at 37 weeks every 3-4hours until he gained his birth weight, and maybe a few days more because I was just worried! Yes it is painful to wake them up but sometimes babies can sleep through hunger, and you will need to be in charge for a while! 


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One baby returns to birth weight, you won't have to wake to feed anymore. Very early on, you may need to. It sounds awful, but with my first born, I would strip him down to his diaper and sometimes even had to flick his toes. He was born exactly at 37 weeks and slept a lot the first two weeks. After that it was not an issue anymore and he was gaining weight well. This is a short lived phase. You will get through it. 


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It's normal for her to do that. Especially since she's newborn and a bit early. I would keep waking for feeds at least the first few weeks and after you see the pedi


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My son did practically nothing but sleep for about the first six weeks of his life and he's perfectly healthy. As long as she's eating and having enough soiled diapers, I wouldn't worry too much.